Hearthstone heroes lore
Hearthstone heroes lore

hearthstone heroes lore

This bond remained after Varian reclaimed his throne, so while Valeera may not owe allegiance to the Alliance itself, its king certainly commands her loyalty. Valeera and Varian Wyrnn (the High King of the Alliance), along with the Night Elf druid, Broll Bearmantle, fought together in the arena as gladiatorial slaves, establishing an intense bond of trust between the three.

hearthstone heroes lore

While the current rogue is a Blood Elf and therefore technically a Horde race, Valeera herself is a special case. More WoW players will probably recognize her now as of the Warlords of Draenor expansion when she attempts to assassinate Khadgar and the player has to chase her down and capture her so Khadgar can free her from Gul'dan's control as he did in the original timeline. Alongside Khadgar and Lothar, she helped slay the corrupted Medivh. Garona Halforcen played a major role in Warcraft I and II, though had little, if any, mention in Warcraft III. With the selection of Alleria and Medivh, Blizzard showed they're willing to dig deeper into their lore. Download Ebook Hearthstone Heroes Of Warcraft Game Guide Hearthstone Heroes Of Warcraft Game Guide If you ally compulsion such a referred hearthstone heroes of warcraft game guide book that will have the funds for you worth, acquire the totally best seller from us currently from several preferred authors.


I can't think of anyone better to represent the class in Hearthstone as she embodies it perfectly. Project type Hero Skin Client Blizzard Entertainment A ‘hero skin’ is a type of cosmetic available in Hearthstone, Blizzard’s free-to-play online collectible card game (CCG) that builds upon the lore of the legendary World of Warcraft (WoW) series. The half-orc, half-Draenei Garona served as Gul'dan's magically enslaved personal assassin and spy, essentially making her the original Horde rogue.

Hearthstone heroes lore